
We recently made a few changes to talesofmidgard.com. There are a few smaller and one big change today.

First off a smaller change: We changed the buttons that lead to Tapas and Patreon to actually match their design. When we originally made these buttons Tapas was still called Tapastic and Patreon had its old design. Both changed since, so we also decided to change. The new buttons are on the homepage and on every page with a sidebar.

A much larger change is that we now have a proper Archives Page for Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic. On this page, you can find a link to every page that is ready so far. While making the Archives Page, we also changed the Comics Library. From the Comics Library, the new Archives Page is available from the Age of Magic section. In the future, we plan to create a similar page for everything else that is available on our site.

We added the 2018 Easter bonus to the Holiday Comic Specials and modified the corresponding part of the Comics Library.

Finally, another minor change is that we changed the color of some titles and the way links look. Although these changes are pretty minor you can see them pretty well if you check out the news blogroll or if you look at the transcript below a comic page.

That’s all for now, hope you like these changes. Have fun reading!