Ch10 – P03
↓ Transcript3Erik: Let's go to the mage guild I suppose.
3Erik: This box here caused us way too many problems.
3Anne: Yeah. I'll be happier with this over.
3Erik: Once we're done, what are your plans?
4Anne: I'm not entirely sure.
4Anne: I was thinking about having a small break, and it's been ages since I visited my aunt and uncle back home.
4Anne: So I was thinking about going home a bit.
4Erik: That sounds nice.
4Anne: Sure does...
4Anne: And you? What are your plans?
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Tales of Midgard is a fantasy webcomic created by Erzsébet Schlett and Attila Polyák. Tales of Midgard is a work of fiction, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.
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