1: *Gwwwww*
2Anne: It’s done, let’s see the exact results.
2Amy: I’m suddenly excited.
Esopool: 4989 eso
Range: 17 m
Standard Cast Time: 0.4 sec
Efficiency Ratio: 79%
Recovery Time: 8 hours 12 minutes
Maximum Release Rate: 3881 eso
Minimum Time Between Two Maximum Releases: 3 sec
Maximum Absorption Rate: 5002 eso
Minimum Time Between Two Maximum Absorptions: 2 sec
Stable Spells: 5
Semistable Spells: 7
Magic Type: External
From the looks of it, she takes a long time getting enough power to cast anything, but she can freely absorb and recast any spell around her.
You just touched on a concept that will eventually happen and “be a thing” in the comic, but it’s very very far in the future when this will be relevant. When I say very far future it’s like more than a 1000 pages further in the comic. None the less good job noticing the possibility. I’s always a compliment when people notice the small things. 🙂