Ch12 – P21
↓ Transcript1Anne: But this is a quite good first lesson for enchantments. If you want to use them efficiently you’ll have to learn how the human body works. What happened with you, is that your arm was strong enough to lift that chair, but in that posture you had you almost immediately lost your balance.
2Anne: If I had placed similar enchantments on your back and legs as well you probably wouldn’t have even flinched.
3Anne: If you really want to stick with enchantments you’ll have to learn about human anatomy as well.
4Amy: Ok.
4Amy: One question. What is this ana... Atan... Anatan... Anatamy thing you just said?
5Anne: Well... you see...
5Anne: This’ll be a long night...
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Tales of Midgard is a fantasy webcomic created by Erzsébet Schlett and Attila Polyák. Tales of Midgard is a work of fiction, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.
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