Ch15 – P17
↓ Transcript1Nix: Done here too. Now only Sir Mannfred is left.
1Egon: Me too?
1Nix: Of course. You know... Safety first.
2Anne: So once we are done how are we supposed to continue?
2Lucretia: You go down and cut a path for yourselves. Simple, isn’t it?
3Anne: Erik and I did some crazy stuff in the past but are you sure that this’ll work?
3Lucretia: Of course! Don’t you trust me?
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Tales of Midgard is a fantasy webcomic created by Erzsébet Schlett and Attila Polyák. Tales of Midgard is a work of fiction, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.
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Oh, who wouldn’t? What could possibly go wrong? ʘ‿ʘ