1Bernard: They are two Dyrian mages Erik Skera and Anne White. Their target is the infobox we got the other day.
1Bernard: The real disheartening part is the following.
1Bernard: The last mission they accomplished was retrieving this very box...
1Bernard: ... which at the time was protected by no less than eight magiknights.
1Mia&Gjurd: !!
2Bernard: While both of them are only B rank mages, their last mission alone is such an unbelievably great achievement, so you might want to know a bit more about them.
2Bernard: Erik Skera is a shapeshifter and an earth mage. His skill and power are both above the average B rank mage's.
2Bernard: He rarely does actually dangerous missions, but when he does he's always successful. It's beyond me why he is still only a B rank mage...
2Bernard: Anne white is an odd one. She is not only a mage but a knight as well. As a mage her power is not much, but it is said, that her skills, and accuracy are one of the best among the Dyrian B rank mages,
2Bernard: what's more she uses a great variety of magitools, making her an even more threatening opponent.
3Bernard: That is what has me a bit concerned...
3Mia: I see.
3Bernard: It's not like I wanted to scare you or anything, I just thought it'd be best to tell you both about this in person.
3Bernard: As if anything could happen to me...
3Gjurd: Hey, hey old man...
3Bernard: Well whatever, I'm off back to the tent to collect my maps, and then I'll be going to my quarters in the planning room. Sleep well you two.
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