Hi Everybody!
Today we’d like to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day! For this occasion we made a special mini comic for you, which you can see just below, or you could read a longer version here. We’re also participating in Topwebcomics’ Valentine’s Day contest, so if you like this mini comic, you can head to their facebook page and give it a like there. Having good results in this contest would mean some free advertisement on topwebcomics.com, which would help making Tales of Midgard more popular. Every like matters.

Also slightly off topic, but we’re planning to update the Comics Library page, so you can access the special mini comics from there as well. It’s not certain yet when we’ll have time to do this update, but once that update hits you’ll be able to reach this comic, the 2016 Christmas Special and all the future special comics from there as well. Have fun reading!
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