Hi Everyone!
Today we’re here with the next bits of updating volume 1 of Tales of Midgard: The Age of Magic for print. Unfortunately, we had our hands full with other issues, mostly website related things, but we somehow managed to squeeze in a bit. Check out what changed just below:
Chapter 5 Page 3


Here in panel 3, Gjurd’s coat was missing the yellow stripe on the collar.
Chapter 5 Page 16


On Page 16 of Chapter 5, the lifting mechanism for the door was missing.
Chapter 5 Page 18


The next change is on page 18 of chapter 5. The door lifting lever was still missing.
Chapter 6 Page 9


We already changed chapter 6 page 9 once, but we changed it again. The speech bubble in the top right was changed to have a shaded background instead of a line surrounding it.
Chapter 6 Page 10


We also changed page 10 of chapter 6, which we also changed once. The last change was mowing a speech bubble, which covered some art and we forgot to replace the originally covered art. This is now corrected.
Chapter 7 Page 8


A fairly large change that happened was on page 8 in chapter 7. We changed the entire action sequence on this page. The original intent here was to show Anne with a sword in her hand, then her sword disappears and reappears in motion, tricking her opponent into a new swing which leaves him open to be attacked. Hopefully, it is easier to understand now whats supposed to happen on the page.
That is all for now. There will surely be one more update for volume 1, because the way we spell words right now is a mix of British and US English. That still needs to be corrected before making actual prints. Have fun reading!
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